Thursday, April 6, 2017

Ministry of Defence in military and civil services in the time of the new government Performances in One-Year Period

The Ministry of Defence is committed to ensuring the new government elected by the people to be on the right track of democracy. The activities it has undertaken include environmental conservation, relief and resettlement in times of natural disaster, reopening of universities’ training corps, rural health care services and prevention of recruitment of minors into the army. 
Natural environment 
Natural environment encompasses all living and non-living things occurring naturally and the interaction of all living species, climate, weather and natural resources that affect human survival and economic activity. The natural environment is greatly modified into a simplified human environment. Man has changed landscapes to make urban settings and agricultural land, thereby resulting in gradual degradation of the environment in the period of over 50 years. Natural disaster and manmade disaster caused climate changes, thus triggering global warming, flood, landslide, earthquake, storm, forest fire and volcanic eruption. Therefore, different countries are extensively engaged in disaster reduction, alleviation of global warming and reforestation. Provisional services and regulating services are adoption of climate changes, carbonization, water and air purification, prevention of land erosion and landslide. 

Prevention of climate changes 
In order to prevent global warming, climate changes, disease spreading and to maintain ecosystem, the Ministry of Defence grew tress in different regions. Trees and forests contribute a lot to the absorption of carbon dioxide and heat, prevention of storm impact, soil prevention and others. Apart from prevention of lives and property of the people, the Tatmadaw in cooperation with the government planted a total of 1222569 tree saplings in the year 2016 as part of its efforts for environmental conservation and disaster prevention. 
Disaster relief and rehabilitation 
The Ministry of Defence is committed to disaster preparedness before disaster, search and rescue, emergency response during disaster and rehabilitation and resettlement after disaster with the enactment of the Natural Disaster Management Law on 31 July 2013. In order to more effectively carry out the tasks, it was working with the Myanmar Police Force, Fire Brigade, Red Cross, social organizations, philanthropic organizations and NGOs. The Tatmadaw was not only in rescue efforts in Nargis cyclone, Giri cyclone,Tarle earthquake, floods in Sagaing and Magway regions, Shwebo earthquake and Mahasin strom but also made cash and kind donations for disaster victims. In the time of the new government also, it was extensively engaged in rescue and rehabilitation of every natural disaster in real time. In the 2016 disasters in different parts of the country, the Tatmadaw renovated and rebuilt 944 pagodas, 58 monasteries, 4687 houses, 64 schools and five hospitals, and provided relief aids worth K 116 million. In the 2016- 2017 floods also, it evacuated a total of 7777 houses to safety. In the process, it had to use its aircraft and helicopters flying 41 sorties and provided relief aid worth K 119 million. The Tatmadaw also donated cash over K 798 million for renovation of pagodas and religious edifices damaged by Bagan earthquake. In the 2016 fires, it helped evacuate 580 households and donated K 13 million as relief aid. 
Safeguarding the country 
Myanmar is home to over 100 national races whose population is over 51.4 million (according to 2014 census) and the population is expected to stand at 70 million in the year 2050. The average population density is 76 per one square kilometer with 4.6 per cent of disable population. The today’s security encompasses not only military but political, economic and social aspects. The world events showed that the national defence calls for the participation of the entire people. Towards this end, universities’ training corps were opened as of the 2012-2013 academic year and altogether 3199 teachers and students underwent military training in 2015-2016 academic year whereas altogether 4141 teachers and students were trained in 2016-2017 academic year. 
Public health care 
The medical corps is committed to providing medical treatment not only to the Tatmadaw families but also to the general public, regardless of race, religion and status. In that regard, it visited far-flung regions and villages, giving free medical treatment under the arrangement of its command. From 2012 to 2016, altogether 1,332,012 people were given medical treatment and 13413 others referred to the Tatmadaw hospitals. The program benefited patients suffering from TB, respiratory diseases, cancer, chronic arthritis, traumatic injuries and breast cancer, utilizing modern medical equipment such as CT scan room, Minor Eye Operation room, Minor Operation theatre and Echo. The Tatmadaw mobile healthcare team led by the specialists and nurses provided free healthcare services to the 40,818 people from the coastal areas in Rakhine State and Taninthayi Region during the period from 18 March 2016 to 6 March 2017 through a seagoing hospital ship called “Thanlwin”. Altogether the 38,764 people in Yangon Region and in Kangyidaunt and Bogale Townships in Ayeyawady Region were provided with free healthcare services by the Tatmadaw mobile healthcare team through a river going hospital vessel (Shwepazun) during the period from 28 April 2016 to 26 February 2017.
Likewise, the Tatmadaw specialists administered vaccinations and provided medical treatment for the 1,785 locals in Htanlamma Village in Lahe Township and Kesankarlan Village in Nanyon Township in Naga Self-administered Zone where the measles disease broke out from 8 to 12 August 2016. Moreover, the 15,053 local people were vaccinated against the measles disease and the 86,326 local residents given with free healthcare services during the period from April 2016 to March 2017. The Tatmadaw specialists and medical staff have been carrying out not only medical treatment and healthcare awareness but also participating in education activities in 22 townships in Naga Self-administered Zone. A total of the 8,775 flood victims including 3,391 men and 5,384 women from Kachin and Rakhine States, Sagaing, Bago, Yangon and Ayeyawady Regions were provided with free healthcare services during the period from 5 May 2016 to 15 August 2016. Similarly, the 2,193 fire victims – 549 men and 1,644 women – from Namsang Township in Northern Shan State were supplied with free healthcare services during 5 to 24 February 2016. To help contribute to improvement of the ethnic people, the Tatmadaw mobile healthcare teams plan to provide healthcare services to all national races residing in the country. 
To build a powerful Tatmadaw 
With a view to building a powerful, modern and patriotic Tatmadaw to safeguard the independence and sovereignty of the country, the eligible citizens above 18 years old are allowed to serve in the armed forces of their own volition. Those wishing to join in the armed forces must take their citizenship scrutiny cards, recommendation from the school, recommendation from the ward administrator, recommendation from the police station and family registration certificate and only eligible persons will be recruited into the armed forces. The Committee for the Prevention of Military Recruitment of Underage Children was formed with Letter No 205/ Na Ya Ka Oo/ Ka Sa, dated 5.1.2004 and two members were included in the committee under the Notification No/68 2014, Letter No 112/2/8 of the President Office. So far 26 June 2012, the 597 child soldiers were freed from the armed forces before signing United Nations Country Task Force on Monitoring and Reporting (UNCTFMR) and Plan of Action. The Ministry of Defence under the Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and United Nations Country Task Force on Monitoring and Reporting (UNCTFMR) signed an agreement on plan of action for prevention of military recruitment of underage children on 27 June 2012 at Thingaha Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw. (a) The Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar held 41 discussions with UNCTFMR. (b) Both sides conducted monitoring visits to the regiments and 21-point agreement was drawn up to eradicate prevention and recruitment of underage children. (c) Under the action plan, the pamphlets, wall sheets and posters were distributed to the people through the township General Administration Department and the 286 billboards erected in the regions and states for the public awareness. The National Campaign Materials were published in the Voice Weekly, the Voice Daily, 7 Days Journal, Yangon Times, Flower News Journal and Myanmar Times for two days. (d) Myanmar government freed 744 underage children from the armed forces in accord with rules and regulations and handed over to their parents during the period from 3.9.2012 to 31.3.2016 in cooperation with UNCTFMR. (e) Multiplier courses on prevention of military recruitment of underage children were conducted with the arrangement of the respective command. (f) A total of 401 service personnel – 78 commissioned officers and 323 other ranks – who recruited underage children, had been taken actions. Cooperation with UNCTFMR during one-year period of the new government Cooperation with UNCTFMR for prevention of military recruitment of underage children during one-year period of the new government is as follows; (a) Committee for the Prevention of Military Recruitment of Underage Children was reformed with 12 members with Letter No 112/2/8 of the President Office, dated 11 May 2016. (b) A total of four discussions were held between The Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and UNCTFMR. (c) The UNCTFMR members accompanied by a senior military officer went to 13 battalions as monitoring visit. (d) The 66 underage children were freed from the armed forces and handed over to their parents in line with rules and regulations at No (1) Transit Camp on 9.9.2016. (e) Multiplier courses on prevention of military recruitment of underage children were given to altogether 10885 services personal at the respective command. (f) Military rules have been taken against 20 services personnel who recruited underage children. 
Ministry of Defence 
The Tatmadaw had been serving the interests of the people in political, economic and social sectors in partnering with the government, the parliament and the public. The United Nations Climate Change Conference or COP 21 was held in Paris, France on 30 December 2015, in attendance with the leaders and delegates from 195 countries around the world. A goal of limiting global warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius (°C) compared to pre-industrial levels was discussed at the conference. The scientists predicted that if the global warming is increased to more than 2 degrees Celsius; about 300 million of the world population will suffer from it. The Tatmadaw placed emphasis on planting trees to prevent global warming and air pollution. Moreover, the Tatmadaw had been taking part in rescue and rehabilitation works for the natural disaster-hit victims in joining hands with concerned departments and local people. The Tatmadaw is being built as a powerful, modern and patriotic army; the eligible citizens above 18 years had been allowed to serve in the armed forces. The militia strategy has been adopted to ensure safety and security of the country. The Ministry of Defence is collaborating with UNCTFMR to prevent military recruitment of underage children and is providing free healthcare services for the needy people. The Tatmadaw had been serving the interest of the ethnic people, upholding our three main national causes in the fore.

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